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Justin K. Hughes, MA, LPC of Dallas Counseling, PLLC participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This means that some links on this site will produce a small commission from and affiliated sites. I NEVER link products I don’t use or clinically find benefit in. Many of them have been recommended for years inside and outside therapy sessions. You are under no obligation to purchase any book, product or service recommended on this site. However, they are provided on this site only educationally and are not meant to be interpreted as treatment or therapy in any way. I am not responsible for the quality or experience of any items purchased through affiliate links, as they are entities completely separate of myself.
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All Content on this Site,, was created for informational purposes only, whether images, text, videos, or other formats. Content is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, treatment, advice, or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your own personal health provider who is qualified to treat you, along with asking them any questions you may have regarding medical or other conditions. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have viewed on this Site. Due to the sensitive nature of topics and material covered through this Site, which contains very descriptive and/or advanced content, you may not want to use The Site and its Content are provided on an “as is” basis. Links to external educational content are taken at your own risk. Justin K. Hughes, MA, LPC is not responsible for the claims of external content.