Join me on Wednesday, August 25th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm CST, for “Common Pitfalls In ERP (Exposure & Response Prevention) 4 OCD” Livestream
Evidence-based treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not tremendously difficult to understand. It involves things like tracking when you compulse, learning to face challenging situations without compulsion, and how to tolerate uncertainty while engaging with what you value. Sounds good, right?
In practice, OCD can be very complex, and some cases are challenging to treat. But even in complex cases, the gold standard for treatment still usually applies: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). However, this treatment must do certain things and look out for common problems and challenges to be effective. Join me on August 25th for a one-night, FREE event, for sufferers, family members, professionals, and anyone just interested.
This is a deep dive, so you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the basics in my original talk here: ERP 4 OCD.
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